¿About us?
Fundación de la Santa Cruz – Integral Development: Awareness and Responsibility
Mision: To promote the integral formation of children and adolescents, so they can build decent,conscious, coherent and quality living conditions.
Vision: To contribute to the construction of a society constituted by strengthened families; families made up of empowered, responsible, conscious and coherent people who build lives and quality environments.
LOVE ALL, SERVE ALL: In the charming village of San Francisco, Cundinamarca, the foundation “Fundación de la Santa Cruz” is located. This institution opened its doors in 1988 and currently offers a humanistic, catholic and self-dignifying formative environment for the children who are living here. To this end, we aim to develop 4 projects in the coming years. Today, we present the first project "PAI", to count on your financial support in a relationship of mutual benefit.
Today and during the time that our girls, boys and adolescents live in the foundation, we offer them an orderly loving and playful environment. They learn the concept of commitment and responsibility through their work on our finca. Of vitality is complementing their educational preparation with emotional growth in order to prepare them for their adult life.
With an innovative vision of a formative and integral model of human and professional development, which focuses on eliminating the causes, instead of exclusively correcting the obvious problems addressed by our foundation and other similar bodies. This focus on new and future generations will give a thorough turn to their lives.
We contemplate four fundamental basics:
a) Formative Principles: Made up of the universal values, such as respect, honesty, goodness, equality, solidarity, spirituality and love, among others. These are the basis of each individual.
b) Montessori Philosophy: It is defined through absolute respect for the essence and development of the child, which translates into a life of freedom with responsibility.
c) Emotional Formation: The foundation’s members are people with emotions who need to be treated and cared for in their non-material needs.
d) Talent Development: It is an approach that goes beyond formal education and academic achievement. Every individual possesses innate qualities, virtues and capacities that dignify.

Español: Claudia Chaparro

Teléfono móvil: (+57) 314 493 8621

Correo: contacto@fundsantacruz.org

English: Göran Klessig

Mobile: (+49) 160 7848 159

E-mail: goeran.klessig@gmail.com

Dirección: Sede San Francisco de Sales: Vereda Pueblo Viejo, Finca Fundación de la Santa Cruz, Cundinamarca, Colombia

Dirección de correspondencia: Calle 24 A # 74 – 30, Bogotá, Colombia