To be close to children is being close to creation, at the beginning of everything; There is the possibility of recreating the Divine. It is a vital opportunity that we all have access to. Everyone chooses from where and through what means to approach, with or without conscience, to leave your mark.
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We have outlined 4 projects we want to develop over the coming years More information.
1. Elaboration and implementation of the Institutional Care Project “PAI”: Due to changes in Colombian legislation, it is essential that the foundation comply with a series of requirements that allow us to continue our work.
2. Sustainable foundation: Enable our foundation to be self-sufficient through the production and sale of coffee, as well as other offers.
3. Own school: Establish a private boarding school with a Montessori based philosophical and pedagogical approach, to raise quality in education.
4. Integral Human Development Plan: We have enunciated a plan to create spaces for young people to discover and encourage the development of their talents, as a way to dignify themselves. We aspire to thus break the global cycle of mental poverty.
For donations please contact:
Marlen Munar +57 311 509 1765: Clothing,food and construction material.
Claudia Chaparro +57 314 493 8621: Time and knowledge.
For cash donations please transfer to current account 757015748 of Helm Bank and send us a confimartion to
Transfer details

Español: Claudia Chaparro

Teléfono móvil: (+57) 314 493 8621


English: Göran Klessig

Mobile: (+49) 160 7848 159


Dirección: Sede San Francisco de Sales: Vereda Pueblo Viejo, Finca Fundación de la Santa Cruz, Cundinamarca, Colombia

Dirección de correspondencia: Calle 24 A # 74 – 30, Bogotá, Colombia